African Death's Head Hawkmoth 'Acherontia atropos' is the largest and one of the most desirable of the death-head moths!
Death's head hawk moths feed mostly on nectar from flowers and honey from beehives! They are able to sneak into the hives because they can mimic the scent of bees. This way, the bees do not recognize the moths as intruders and they can steal the honey, undetected!
These are spread and ready to be used in artwork or added to your collection. These are SPREAD TO ORDER and will take approximately 1-2 weeks to be spread and ready for shipment.
Sale includes one real SPREAD moth stapled to cardstock (not framed). Male/Female Mix.
Damaged variation may have chipped or torn wings, instinct skull markings and/or broken or detached antennae.
Each moth may vary in size and coloration.
NOTE: Shipping spread moths is extremely risky-they are very fragile. We DO NOT guarantee antennae and legs will arrive intact.