The Great Monarch Migration part: 1

The Great Monarch Migration part: 1

We at Little Caterpillar, like to travel.  Even better, is when we can travel with our two young kids.  Even better is when we can travel with our kids while looking for ways to promote conservation! 
The Great Monarch Migration is the journey eastern monarchs take flying up to 2,500 miles from the US and Canada all the way down to Central Mexico where they hibernate and breed over the winter months.  It is estimated around 500,000 monarchs make this journey and it is quite a site to behold and to witness this special event.
We are lucky that a handful of these monarch butterflies end up landing near our family's farm in Nebraska.  Jesse's parents support conservation efforts and use portions of their farm land to plant trees and milk weed (the monarchs favorite food source).  Because of their efforts, this has become a regular layover spot during the butterflies journey down South!
         During our visit back, four generations helped tag Monarchs
Scientist use these areas to catch and release the butterflies and keep track of numbers and their migration route.  While visiting Nebraska this last fall, our family was able to help aide scientists by catching, tagging, and releasing 100 monarchs.  Our efforts, no matter how small, can help monitor and protect this endangered species. Perhaps just as important, or even more important is the impact that it makes on our kids and the next generation. 
During the monarch's migration route, the creek beds and trees on the farm are filled with the red and orange wings of the monarchs and become the perfect spot for catching butterflies. It was such a joy to be able to see our two girls' excitement as they caught and identified the butterflies and experienced the magic with them as they released them back into the wild.  
The trees were dancing along with the girls as thousands
of butterflies took flight into the air!
 Are you interested in witnessing this phenomenon or want to do your own part in helping conserve Eastern Monarchs?  The WWF has a Monarch project you can check out and support.  Also, when you shop with us at The Little Caterpillar - 1% of our profits each month are used to GIVE BACK towards conservation.
**Look for our next blog, The Great Monarch Migration part: 2 where you can find out where to witness the migration as we traveled into the forests of Central Mexico!



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